Question 1
What biblical character was Harriet Tubman compared to?
Moses for freeing slaves
Ruth for her faith
Paul for spreading a message
Samson for strength

Question 2
Which slave taught other slaves how to read and write?
Richard Allen
Frederick Douglass
John Mercer Langston
Harriet Tubman

Question 3
Which black woman was accussed of being a man?
Harriet Tubman
Mary Church Terrell
Sojourner Truth
Mary Ann Shadd

Question 4
Harriet Tubman was a master planner of her escape operations. What did she include to calm crying babies?

Question 5
Which African American woman received numerous commendations from Union army officers?
Harriet Tubman
Joan Cheqita Wright
Sojourner Truth
Mary Ann Shadd

Question 6
Which African American woman noticed that women's rights conventions were not addressing the concerns of African American women?
Harriet Tubman
Sojourner Truth
Mary Church Terrell
Phyliss Wheatley

Question 7
Who said, "The real question, the all commanding question, is whether American justice, American liberty, American civilization, American law and American Christianity can be made to include and protect alike and forever all American citizens. . ."
James Mercer Washington
Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglass
Sojourner Truth

Question 8
Who led the 1831 slave revolt in Southhampton Virginia?
Nat Turner
Alexander Crummell
Henry McNeal Turner
John Brown

Question 9
Who was the first president of the National Association of Colored Women?
Donna Ball
Mary Church Terrell
Mary Ann Shadd
Sojourner Truth

Question 10
Which African American woman was a spy for the Union Army?
Sojourner Truth
Harriet Tubman
Mary Elizabeth Bowser
Donna Ball